I hope everyone in the world of cycling has had a wonderful and productive week! Today, I’m going to be sharing some photographs based on a post I wrote a couple of weeks ago on my other website, barthaynes.com. The post, titled “11 Guinness World Records with Bicycles,” detailed some of the wacky and crazy things people have done with their bikes.
Today, I’m going to be diving deeper into the bizarre and sharing more of these feats with you. Some of them are just plain silly, but others require a decent amount of skill and expertise behind the handlebars.
Without further ado, here are some world record photographs involving bicycles that will make you smile.
Longest Bicycle
Heaviest Bicycle
Fastest Speed on a Bicycle
Loudest Horn on a Bicycle
LongesT Backflip on a Bicycle
Fastest Bicycle Riding Dog
Heaviest weight pulled by eye Sockets
I hope you all enjoyed a trip into the extraordinary side of bicycles today! Best of luck on the roads and happy cycling.
-Barton Haynes